A Note on Gratitude
‘Tis the season to say “thank you.” Thanksgiving brings the spirit of gratitude to the forefront as Americans gather around the dinner table and share what they’re thankful for.
Here at Small Army, gratitude is a year-round practice. It’s more than saying “thank you” to our clients, employees, and friends-it’s about paying it forward. Be Bold, Be Bald! launched in 2009 in honor of Mike Connell, co-founder and former Creative Principal of Small Army, who lost his battle with cancer in 2007. It was our way of showing gratitude for Mike and honoring the work he did here, while giving back to a community that is in need of our support.
On the Account team, we’ve recently adopted a practice of asking one another “What would you like to be acknowledged for?” This reminds us to recognize and show gratitude for what we are each doing well. It’s a way to ensure that even our smallest efforts are not going unnoticed and helps to promote confidence in our work. By sharing what we think we are doing well, we are recognizing our own strengths and receiving acknowledgement by others for what we think warrants praise- whether it be as simple as responding to a client in a timely manner, or working out a stellar presentation with the creative team.
When speaking with the rest of the Small Army gang, they weighed in on the importance of the “little things” we do for one another to show our thanks. Sharing music, inspiration, and jokes are a way of honoring one another as friends as well as co-workers. From walking Sam’s dog to moving Bruce‘s car- pitching in to help each other out is one of the ways we regularly express our appreciation. Delicious baked goods are also a common reward for a job well done.
As the Social Media Strategist here, I encourage all of our clients to adopt a strong practice of gratitude online. On Twitter, the smallest effort of saying “thank you” for a re-tweet goes further than you could imagine. By thanking the follower who re-tweeted you, you’re telling them that you recognize their effort and that you appreciate them sharing your content. A “thank you” says that their action is being appreciated- promoting that action to be performed again in the future. Engaging in #FollowFriday on Twitter is a way of paying back the community for providing you with content. Giving someone you follow #FF acknowledgement shows them that you appreciate what they are sharing, but also gives back to your community by saying- I value you enough to recommend this other user for you to follow, too. It’s a karmic practice that promotes the sharing of ideas and encourages a bonded community.
So what am I thankful for this year? I’m showing gratitude for family, blogs, Small Army, my 4-day weekend, and good music!
How do you show gratitude throughout the year?
*this post originally appeared on Through the Ears of an Entrepreneur